Visual Basic Source Code
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BASIC Source File
116 lines
Sub CalcTotals ()
Dim SubTotal As Double
Dim Tax As Double
Dim Freight As Double
Dim GrandTotal As Double
Dim Deposit As Double
Dim Balance As Double
For i% = 1 To NumItems ' Calc Ext's
Form2.Grid1.Col = 0
Form2.Grid1.Row = i%
Qty = Val(Form2.Grid1.text)
Form2.Grid1.Col = 4
Price = Val(Form2.Grid1.text)
Form2.Grid1.Col = 5
Form2.Grid1.text = Format$(Qty * Price, "####.00")
Next i%
SubTotal = 0 ' Calc SubTotal
For i% = 1 To NumItems
Form2.Grid1.Row = i%
SubTotal = SubTotal + Val(Form2.Grid1.text)
Next i%
Tax = SubTotal * SalesTax ' Calc Sales Tax
Form2.Grid2.Col = 1
Form2.Grid2.Row = 2
Freight = Val(Form2.Grid2.text)
GrandTotal = SubTotal + Tax + Freight
Form2.Grid2.Row = 4
Deposit = Val(Form2.Grid2.text)
Balance = GrandTotal - Deposit
Form2.Grid2.Row = 0
Form2.Grid2.text = Format$(SubTotal, "$####.00")
Form2.Grid2.Row = 1
Form2.Grid2.text = Format$(Tax, "$####.00")
Form2.Grid2.Row = 3
Form2.Grid2.text = Format$(GrandTotal, "$####.00")
Form2.Grid2.Row = 5
Form2.Grid2.text = Format$(Balance, "$####.00")
End Sub
Function CheckDate% (Src As Control)
Flag = 0
Mnth% = Val(Mid$(Src.text, 1, 2))
Daye% = Val(Mid$(Src.text, 4, 2))
yr% = Val(Mid$(Src.text, 7, 2))
If Mnth% < 1 Or Mnth% > 12 Then Flag = -1
If Daye% < 1 Or Daye% > 31 Then Flag = -1
If yr% < 0 Or yr% > 99 Then Flag = -1
tmp$ = Mid$(Src.text, 3, 1)
If tmp$ <> "/" And tmp$ <> "-" Then Flag = -1
tmp$ = Mid$(Src.text, 6, 1)
If tmp$ <> "/" And tmp$ <> "-" Then Flag = -1
CheckDate% = Flag
End Function
Sub CompressItems ()
' this routine checks the Grid1 entries and if it
' finds an empty entry, will compress the listing
' to eliminate holes in the entries...
End Sub
' (C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1993. All rights reserved.
' You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and
' distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in
' any way you find useful, provided that you agree that
' Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any
' Sample Application Files which are modified.
Sub InitVars ()
Form1.VenName.text = ""
Form1.VenNo.text = ""
Form1.CalledIn.text = ""
Form1.OrderDate.text = " / /"
Form1.VenContact.text = ""
Form1.EstDate.text = " / /"
Form1.CustName.text = ""
Form1.CustAddr.text = ""
Form1.CustCity.text = ""
Form1.CustState.text = ""
Form1.CustZip.text = ""
Form1.HPhone.text = "( ) - "
Form1.WPhone.text = "( ) - "
Form1.ShipName.text = ""
Form1.ShipAddr.text = ""
Form1.ShipCity.text = ""
Form1.ShipState.text = ""
Form1.ShipZip.text = ""
Form1.ShipVia.text = ""
Form1.Terms.text = ""
NumItems = 0
Form1.OrderNo.text = LTrim$(Str$(Val(Form1.OrderNo.text) + 1))
End Sub
Sub SaveInfo ()
End Sub